Upcoming at NYFA

Four individuals with film and sound recording equipment stand on a boulder overlooking water and foggy terrain, framed by orange leaves

Set Your Fundraising Goals for Your Next Project with NYFA Fiscal Sponsorship

The next no-fee deadline to apply to NYFA Fiscal Sponsorship is December 31, 2023. New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) supports artists, filmmakers, musicians, performers, writers, and community groups across disciplines. We know that fundraising is critical to making your work and sharing it with the world. Do you need to fundraise for a…

Installation by Barbara Campisi featuring screens of a semi-transparent acrylic material with small bands of neon lights across it

Let NYFA Fiscal Sponsorship Support Your Next Project with the Fundraising Tools You Need.

The next no-fee deadline to apply to NYFA Fiscal Sponsorship is September 30, 2023. New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) supports artists, filmmakers, musicians, performers, writers, and community groups across disciplines. We know that fundraising is critical to making your work and sharing it with the world. Do you need to fundraise for a…

Women singing and dancing on a stage, holding mortar and pestle tools used to mash plantains.


我們鼓勵在紐約皇后區附近生活和工作的藝術家申請參加由法拉盛市政廳於2023年7月推出的免費藝術家創業計畫。 Read in English | Leer en español 本藝術專業發展計畫已開放申請,此計畫面向皇后區和大紐約市地區的申請者,共為期3.5天,將於7月20日至23日在紐約法拉盛舉行。NYSCA/NYFA藝術家創業計畫是由紐約藝術基金會(NYFA)與紐約州藝術委員會之州和地方合作夥伴計畫以及法拉盛市政廳合作,將免費提供給中選的參與者參加。本計畫為向紐約州的藝術團體提供之系列藝術專業發展計畫中的一部分。 NYSCA/NYFA藝術家創業計畫將提供面對面的專業發展機會,深入探究關於藝術永續的基本原則。本計畫的內容將根據目前各地區藝術家均會面臨的挑戰進行客製化調整,同時將以針對位於皇后區的藝術家所面臨的挑戰作為大方向。 焦點主題將包括策略規劃、財務、法律、行銷和籌款,以及來自NYFA最被普遍使用的教科書《Profitable Artist (暫譯:盈利的藝術家)》(Allworth Press,2018)的額外教材。 被選中的藝術家也將收到來自同領域專業人士對於作品的評論。計畫的結構將由工作坊、討論和小組作業所組合而成。參與者可以靈活運用有效工具,這些工具可以協助提供一張藍圖給參加者的藝術實踐或具體項目。本計畫將協助正在尋找新的思維方式和藝術實踐方法、並同時在尋求志同道合社群的藝術家們,不論藝術家來自何種學科、或位於何種職業生涯階段。…

Women singing and dancing on a stage, holding mortar and pestle tools used to mash plantains.

Aplique Ahora: Programa NYSCA/NYFA “Artist as Entrepreneur” Presentado por Flushing Town Hall

Animamos a artistas viviendo y trabajando cerca de Queens, NY, a aplicar para participar en este programa gratuito de emprendimiento presentado por Flushing Town Hall en julio de 2023. Read in English | 用中文閱讀本文 Abrimos el periodo de aplicaciones para este programa de desarrollo profesional de 3 días y medio, el cual tendrá lugar entre…

Women singing and dancing on a stage, holding mortar and pestle tools used to mash plantains.

Apply Now: NYSCA/NYFA Artist as Entrepreneur Program, Presented by Flushing Town Hall

Artists living and working near Queens, NY, are encouraged to apply to participate in this free entrepreneurial program to be presented by Flushing Town Hall in July 2023. Leer en español | 用中文閱讀本文 Applications are now open for this 3.5 day professional development program, which will take place July 20-23 in Flushing, NY, serving Queens County…